Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Training Workshop on Clinical Microbiology...

24-25 Oct 2011 (Monday & Tuesday)...
Quite busy attending Training Workshop on Quality Assurance and Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring in Clinical Microbiology...
1st day...
  • Having lectures at a.m, and practical hands on at p.m... 
  • Learn new thing... Method of rapid identification by biochemical test BDL crystal agar for Gram Negative bacteria... Flood the organism suspension in BDL broth, and incubate..
  • Inoculate colony in MHB, Peptone Water
  • Gram positive bacteria I 
  • Incubate the plate media  BA, Mc conkey, and Mueller Hinton agar at 37oC
2nd day...
  • Having lecture on PCR at a.m, and practical after that...
  • Read plate, and the BDL crystal plate
  • Interpret biochemical reaction on TSI for GN bacteria
  • Input/ Entering result into computer (BDL program) - I got the organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa!
  • Interpret biochemical reaction on Bile esculin agar for GP bacteria - I got the organism Enterococcus fecalis (Streptococcus fecalis group D)...
  • Read sensitivity diameter zone on both GN and GP...
  • Jot down results interpretation on the question paper and submit...
  • We're also instructed to submit our media plate for GN (Mac Conkey for purity testing) also both sensitivity testing media @ Mueller hinton agar(MHA)... One of my MHA was contaminated, but not interfering the susceptible zone diameter... Yokatta... Thanks goodness...

    At the end of the program, I didn't expect that I got full marks for all the questions... but given few bonus marks only.. May be because of one of my MHA plate was contaminated??
    I got present... TOP 12...(b'coz 12 of us got high score for the test) hehehe
    the luckiest 5 person(who got more bonus marks) were given bracelet each of them... wuwuw...
    I'm sooo jealous! But neva mind lorr...
    The most important thing is I got new experience through this program particularly using BDL crystal agar and technique in inoculating bacteria suspension in it...
    that's all...
    I'll tell u more stories next time!
    See ya~~~
.:Guling2 macam shin chan ketawa macam doraemon:.

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