Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Training Workshop on Clinical Microbiology...

24-25 Oct 2011 (Monday & Tuesday)...
Quite busy attending Training Workshop on Quality Assurance and Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring in Clinical Microbiology...
1st day...
  • Having lectures at a.m, and practical hands on at p.m... 
  • Learn new thing... Method of rapid identification by biochemical test BDL crystal agar for Gram Negative bacteria... Flood the organism suspension in BDL broth, and incubate..
  • Inoculate colony in MHB, Peptone Water
  • Gram positive bacteria I 
  • Incubate the plate media  BA, Mc conkey, and Mueller Hinton agar at 37oC
2nd day...
  • Having lecture on PCR at a.m, and practical after that...
  • Read plate, and the BDL crystal plate
  • Interpret biochemical reaction on TSI for GN bacteria
  • Input/ Entering result into computer (BDL program) - I got the organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa!
  • Interpret biochemical reaction on Bile esculin agar for GP bacteria - I got the organism Enterococcus fecalis (Streptococcus fecalis group D)...
  • Read sensitivity diameter zone on both GN and GP...
  • Jot down results interpretation on the question paper and submit...
  • We're also instructed to submit our media plate for GN (Mac Conkey for purity testing) also both sensitivity testing media @ Mueller hinton agar(MHA)... One of my MHA was contaminated, but not interfering the susceptible zone diameter... Yokatta... Thanks goodness...

    At the end of the program, I didn't expect that I got full marks for all the questions... but given few bonus marks only.. May be because of one of my MHA plate was contaminated??
    I got present... TOP 12...(b'coz 12 of us got high score for the test) hehehe
    the luckiest 5 person(who got more bonus marks) were given bracelet each of them... wuwuw...
    I'm sooo jealous! But neva mind lorr...
    The most important thing is I got new experience through this program particularly using BDL crystal agar and technique in inoculating bacteria suspension in it...
    that's all...
    I'll tell u more stories next time!
    See ya~~~
.:Guling2 macam shin chan ketawa macam doraemon:.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Finally... My thesis is done...

19 Oct... was the final day to submit report...
I was afraid to print my thesis out initially because when I check my thesis, I realised that I missed 1 point in my methodology necessary to support one of my statement in discussion, I guess...
But since my supervisor said I can submit my report directly to the module coordinator because she said it's ok already...

The most important moment when she called me to let her know how many does the printing and binding costs, she will pay...
I'm ashamed...
So shy...
She's too kind... Eventhough she was a strict person... FYI, she's the one of lecturer that have been frightened by all students during report presentation... She likes to ask questions, and totally argue the improper statement... So if you do a little mistakes in your report, u better prepare how to answer brilliantly...
But since she was my supervisor, I definitely not being asked psycho questions(I guess...)

plus, since I come to see her to correct mistakes and errors on my report, sometimes she bring me to chit chat, give me cute egg-like chocolate... and not forgotten she gave me "angpow"...

OMG... I 'm so shy...
She already married and have 2 childrens already..
Her husband was one of the deputy of dean of my school...
So sweet, they work in the same place...
Sometimes she tells me bout her kids... Funny...
Because her daughter likes to get their mum to buy many junkfoods (i.e. chocolate) just want to collect the freebies (toys)...
I think her daughter is cute...
Her son is strict like her I guess, because she ever told me that her son got mad to his little sister because of little sister hobby (wasting money to buy chocolates that she don't even eat it, just to get the freebies)...
What a cute children of hers...

Anyway, since yesterday, I haven't SMS her yet to tell her the total cost of printing and binding of my thesis... because I still shy...
I tersangat sangat la segan...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

11 Oct... Al fatihah...

Al-fatihah to my late grandfather who has left us family on 11 oct 2011(tuesday)...
I dun even know he already passed away on that day...
Only knew he'd admitted to ICU Keningau Hospital on the day before...
I dun expect that he got sudden attack of myocardial infarction (MI)...
I know it when my friend suddenly post on my FB wall, she suddenly show her condolence, then I was shocked...
May his soul rest in peace...

memo: I dun have spirit and idea to do my research report... huhu

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Matteh kudasaaiii........ hehe

"Don't panic, just relax... Don't worry about the discussions... It doesn't matter if u cannot do better, but u have made the results presentation pretty nice..."

Her mood is ok on that day...
Alhamdulillah... No need to be stressful bout my research thesis...
My supervisor gives me many advises, plus lend me books as a guide, and articles to access so that I can gain more info in order to accomplish my report...
No need to be worry la... Just read more articles...

Actually my report just 60% done...
My supervisor only make a correction for the results part only (1/5 of all chapters)...
She wants me to meet her 2 days before the due date of the report submission to the module coordinator...
No need correction after this, I just have to make it, and make sure all the contents are suitable and compact...


After that, she tells me her experiences while she was at Selayang Hospital plus "mengumpat-ngumpat" one of the SPU lecturer/deputy of dean...

She told me to seek for work after presentation... hehe
Itu sudah tentu doctor... kekekekekek

Got angpow from her before the end of raya...
littlegirlemoticonthank u, thank u doctor...
jan jeles ye kawan2...

p/s: Doing work but fall asleep... Aishhh... cincah! 