Wednesday, June 1, 2011

15 Reasons to Avoid Soy

Most soy (90%) is grown genetically modified (GMO). GMO is an article all by itself, but a lot of research shows that GMO foods are potentially very dangerous for our bodies, and at best genetically modified soy highly increases the number of people who have allergic reactions to soy.)

 Here are some of the conclusions of the studies of the reasons why everyone should avoid modern soy and unfermented soy products.

Research shows strong evidence that soy and/or soy isoflavones can cause:

1. Cancer (especially breast cancer)

2. Goiters (which are very common with vegetarians who consume a lot of soy)

3. Liver dysfunction

4. Reproductive system dysfunction (in both women and men)

5. Kidney stones (Gall  stones)

6. Gastrointestinal disturbances and intestinal damage

7. Thyroid problems (such as malaise, constipation, sleepiness, & insomnia)


8. Neurobehavioral problems such as anxiety and stress

9. Learning and memory problems


10. Heart arrhythmias and contribute to heart disease

11. Disruptions in the endocrine system

In addition:

12. Soy’s effects are especially bad for children and babies. Soy formula also sometimes causes asthma and life threatening peanut allergies later in life.

13. Soy suppresses the immune system

14. Soy acts like anti-estrogen drugs in the body, and has not been shown to relieve hot flashes, bone loss or improve menopausal complaints

15. Some people are are highly sensitive to soy, while others are able to tolerate the toxin longer

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