Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Hari Raya Holiday is Over!!!

Alhamdulillah I'm safely arrived at Kingfisher college, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu...
Very2 hot right after I reached KK city!
Have to bersesak2 in the bus like sardin can... OMO!
Then finally reached home...
Few hour after that...  I got nausea...

Mabuk bas smpai tgh2 mlm... aish... nda pndai hilang2...
Nasib x muntah betul2... huhu
Plus my gastric attacks me when I was sleeping...
Gila lerrrrr... Bnyk gas dlm perut...
I'm too sleepy then... tahan sedja la...

Bangun2 ja pagi2 lps solat, trus p buat milo... hehe
Nsib bek ada air panas sdh, housemate sy masak... kekekekekek
tumpang... Tenqiu friend...
My stomach still in pain...
Makan2 biskut smpai sakit berkurang sikit...

Pas tu duduk2, wat thesis(sambung kerja tertangguh time cuti raya)...
Sibuk beraya kunun, smpai teda masa mau buat thesis...

Still analyzing data collected from hospital...
When I get tired, I watch anime till 8... Vampire knight season 2.. muehehehe
Then, I messaged to my supervisor and apologized to her because x answering her call yesterday...
Just informed her I wanna change a bit about my title research... She said ok, then have to consider on what type of data, and how I analysed the data...
I thought he wants me to meet her A.S.A.P, and imagine that she will shoot me with a laser questionnaires... Fortunately, she just wanna know if I have problem with my thesis... Hehehe
So far, nothing, cause I haven't completed reading and make random analysis on the data I've collected from the hospital lab...
Raya punya pasal, I'm delaying my work... huhu

Flashback about the day I reached KK at bus & cab terminal at near Gaya Street KK:
- After I land my feet on the ground out from the "Tung Ma" bus, there's a guy(I  think UMS student oso), offer me a transport to UMS for FREE~~~ He said we send u until kolej kediaman ABCD (hostel inside campus)... Then I said can I drop at~~~ (I haven't finish talk yet, he replies,"we provide for the new student only"...)
Owh... Malu I... huhu
dongguemoticon girlemoticon
Terpaksa la...
I walk to Centre Point to catch  City bus there to go to the Wawasan (bus terminal to go places in KK area)..
Briefly a bus terminal to go to Kingfisher... My hostel... huhu

p/s: I really don't like narrow spaces in the bus... Feel like I'm suffocating... Alamak! Telabih sudah...

1 comment:

ucubakery said...

Selamat Hari raya ....n follow 12..jom tukar link...sudi bagi tau ucu ye