Monday, November 8, 2010

7 Foods for Flu Prevention

  • Green tea
Contains powerful alkylamines that may aid the body in learning how to fight off disease and flu viruses by a type of cell memory. It is a personal trainer for your immune system.
  • vitamin C enriched foods
Citrus fruit and juice, a great source of vitamin C, can actually help prevent illness by creating stronger cells that deflect virus and germs.

  • Sweet potatoes
Loaded with a healthy dose of beta-carotene, it creates vitamin A in the body. This crucial nutrient boosts immune function by lowering the amount of free radicals, helping to eliminate the cause of sickness.

  • Reishi
Considered as the king of herbs out of thousands in Chinese medicine, it have well documented antioxidant and immune boosting benefits as well as cordyceps (super mushrooms). You can find them dried or in tinctures.

  • Brown Rice
Grain that increases vitamin E, known to enhance production of B cells, which destroy illness-causing bacteria.

  • Pinto Beans
Pinto beans are a rich source of zinc. You need zinc to fight off the infection before you even know you have it.

  • Flax Oil
Loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids that important to boost the production of phagocytes, which like to eat foreign bacteria. Flax oil is also great in easing the effects of infection on the body. It also boosts brain function so you'll remember that the number one way to avoid colds and flus in the first place is by regularly washing your hands, especially if you have any plans of putting them anywhere near your eyes, nose or mouth.

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