Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I can’t forget…
That night…
Siapakah dia?
He’s my inspiration…

He is so cute with his attitude, even though he’s not handsome...
Oh man!
I feel excited seeing him…

Setiap tingkah laku nya membuatkan daku terpegun…
Sempat ku bertanya siapa nama nya…
Tapi pelik nya, dia sendiri x tahu nama sebenar dia…
Kawan2 nya hnya menggelarnya ‘semut’(kalau sy x silap la..)
Lucu tp pelik...

Mungkin kah suatu masa nanti kita akan berjumpa lagi?
Bilakah hari itu?
Siapa dia sebenarnya???

That boy was sooo amazing!!!
Who’s that boy?
I need 2 know…
Bersemangat sdh ni…

You’ve had helped me(kunun la)
I feel like I’ve anything…
Who are u?
Dia telah mengajukan 1 soalan kpd sy pd msa itu
Sy menjawab soalan nya…
Belum sempat dia memberi tahu jwpn sebenar…
Daku terjaga dari tidur ku…
Aiya… Bikin spoil!

I want to see u in reality soon…
That boy appeared in my dream…
I couldn’t forget u…
Cute little boy…

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Petua Untuk Kulit Muka Lembut dan Cerah

Pilihan 1: Parutkan seketul ubi kayu dan tempelkan pada muka. Biarkan hingga kering. Selepas itu cuci muka dengan air suam. Amalkannya setiap malam.

Pilihan 2: Campurkan parutan lobak merah, kuning telur, sedikit air limau nipis hingga sebati. Sapukan pada muka dan biarkan ia kering. Cuci dengan air bersih tanpa sebarang pembersih muka.

Pilihan 3: Sapukan muka dengan putih telur dan biarkan selama 30 minit. Setelah itu, cuci dengan air biasa. Lakukan 3 kali seminggu.

Pilihan 4: Kisar kulit telur hingga halus. Campurkan dengan air suam dan bedak sejuk. Sapukan campuran tersebut pada seluruh muka anda. Urutkan kulit muka perlahan-lahan. Biarkan hingga bedak kering. Kemudian basuh dengan air suam.

Pilihan 5: Parut 1 biji kentang. Perahkan airnya dan sapukan pada muka anda. Apabila separuh kering, cuci muka dengan air.

Pilihan 6: Kisar 5 kuntum bunga cempaka dan 5 kuntum bunga melur hingga halus. Campurkan dengan bedak sejuk. Sapukan pada muka anda setiap malam.

Pilihan 7: Campurkan tepung sagu dengan air. Sapukan pada muka seperti memakai bedak sejuk. Amalkannya setiap hari.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I wanna cry again and again and again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Akhirnya sy telah pun sampai ke bumi KF yg menyedihkan ini...
Rasa ingin menangis lagi...
Terlalu bnyk masalah dlm fikiran ku skrg ini...
Mslh peribadi, mslh kewangan, mslh keluarga(apa la 2?)
Tp, serius, risauuuu~~~~~~~
Risau betul dgn mslh peribadi & mslh kewanagn ni...
Mcm mna la sy mau idup ni...
Mau mati pun susah...

Blm cukup sedih meninggalkan kampung halamn ku yg tercinta...
Cuti selama 5 hari masih x dpt mengubati kerinduan d hati ini...
Terasa berat kaki ini utk melangkah pergi...
namun apakan daya...
Takut pula kena cakap student yg x berdisiplin...
Rasa mcm nama ini d panggil2 saja...
Suruh blik...
P practical d dlm UMS...

Esok terpaksa minta maaf sama staf2 MLT d lab ni bisuk...
Esp. tutor utk histopathology, Kak Marylin Jane Yong @ MJ...
Terpaksa la sy menari sorry2 ni...

Kpd kwn2 yg sma2 practical d histopath bench,
Sorry bnyk2...
Kalian menjadi susah krna ketiadaan beta selama 3 hri ini...
K la, bisuk jumpa kamurang semua...
X sbr mau masuk lab bh ni tp,
x dpt sy control emosi sy skrg ni...
Sejak akhir2 ni sy menjadi terlalu sensitif...
Sy minta maaf bnyk2...
kalau sifat sy yg suka menyepi ni...
Sy mudah tersinggung dgn kata2 mcm mencemuh, marah segelintir kwn2
(walaupun sy tau kamu men2, tp sy terasa betul ni...)
Hati sy telebih sensitif sdh sikarang...
May be i't because of the things that I cannot expected shot myself...
I only could pray to God that everything will be fine...
Kalau sebaliknya...
Sy pasrah ja...
Sy harap sy dapat kasi tunai impian2 sy yg belum tercapai dulu la...

Monday, November 8, 2010

7 Foods for Flu Prevention

  • Green tea
Contains powerful alkylamines that may aid the body in learning how to fight off disease and flu viruses by a type of cell memory. It is a personal trainer for your immune system.
  • vitamin C enriched foods
Citrus fruit and juice, a great source of vitamin C, can actually help prevent illness by creating stronger cells that deflect virus and germs.

  • Sweet potatoes
Loaded with a healthy dose of beta-carotene, it creates vitamin A in the body. This crucial nutrient boosts immune function by lowering the amount of free radicals, helping to eliminate the cause of sickness.

  • Reishi
Considered as the king of herbs out of thousands in Chinese medicine, it have well documented antioxidant and immune boosting benefits as well as cordyceps (super mushrooms). You can find them dried or in tinctures.

  • Brown Rice
Grain that increases vitamin E, known to enhance production of B cells, which destroy illness-causing bacteria.

  • Pinto Beans
Pinto beans are a rich source of zinc. You need zinc to fight off the infection before you even know you have it.

  • Flax Oil
Loaded with healthy omega-3 fatty acids that important to boost the production of phagocytes, which like to eat foreign bacteria. Flax oil is also great in easing the effects of infection on the body. It also boosts brain function so you'll remember that the number one way to avoid colds and flus in the first place is by regularly washing your hands, especially if you have any plans of putting them anywhere near your eyes, nose or mouth.

10 Surprising Places You’re Being Overexposed to Radiation

While there’s no reason to dictate where you go based on radiation, know that extreme exposure to certain types of radiation can be hazardous to your health. Illnesses include vomiting, nausea and in some cases, a loss of white blood cells (the good cells that fight bad germs in our system).

  • Airplanes.
You may getting to your destination more quickly, but flying from one coast to the other on a commercial flight exposes us to about .03 mSv (one of the many scales for measuring radiation). While this may not seem like much, if you’re flying from coast to coast often or taking numerous flights that put you on a plane for a long duration of time, you’re exposing yourself to major radiation over the course of years.

  • Living in the plateaus of New Mexico or Colorado.
The view may be majestic, but living in the plateau region of New Mexico or Colorado are exposed to about 1.5 more mSv than those who live at sea level. This means living in these areas for years will eventually add up and can pose a health hazard.

  • Color TVs
This is all TVs, since a black and white television set is hard to come by in this day and age. Watching a color television set exposes us to small amounts of ionizing radiation. In large amounts or with constant exposure ionizing radiation is known to harm humans. The average American watches 28 hours of TV per week, so that’s considerable exposure. Heed your mother’s warning of not sitting too close to your TV the next time you take in the tube.

  • Tobacco smoke
As if you needed another reason to make you kick the habit! Tabacco smoke packs radionuclides. The radiation comes from the leaves used to create the tabacco for cigarettes and while it’s a small amount, most smokers are threatening their health by taking in several cigarettes per day. Smoking kills your lungs and respiratory system and now it exposes you to radiation too.

  • Military soliders
Military soldiers are around hazardous materials all of the time and troops from countries around the globe are regularly exposed to fairly high levels of radiation. In few cases this is deliberate, while in others it is a plan gone awry. Still, many soldiers deal with the aftermath of high radiation exposure when returning home from combat.

  • Packaged food
Packaged and bulk food does not come in direct contact with radiation, but instead passes through it. A radiation chamber is a passing point for packaged and bulk food, causing a beam of radiation to “scan” food. Food irridation is used to kill food-borne bacteria and help preserve food. The level of radiation is determined by the reason the foods being irridated and can be significant in food consumed by the military since much precaution is taken in their meals.

  • Those who work in hospitals or clinics where x-rays are conducted
A study found that physicians are more likely to have brain cancer due to the amount of radiation they’re exposed to every day. The study followed doctors in various parts of the U.S. and Canada. Further studies are planned to see levels of radiation absorbed by other areas of the body because this study focused on the head.

  • Smoke detectors
One of the most common types of smoke alarms for offices or homes are those with an ionization chamber. Both emit radiation to homes and businesses on a daily basis. These trace amounts of radiation found in smoke detectors do not typically effect us as long as the radiation source is kept inside of the smoke detector. Though smoke detectors with ionization chambers have been on the market for quite some time, there have been no long term studies on their effect.

  • Camping out excessively
Camping out is fun, but it also means being outdoors for days at a time. Small levels of ionizing radiation comes from the cosmic rays radiated by the sun and stars. If you’re outdoors 24/7 for days at a time, you’re adding to the daily exposure we all receive from these sources. While a log cabin may not be everyone’s idea of camping it does protect from radiation exposure for evening, but if you’re a true camping buff, just keep your trips to a couple of days versus a week..

  • Radon gas
                                    1. Radon gas is everywhere and can get into our homes. Radon gas is the result of heavy metals naturally disintegrating and it’s in the air we breathe on a daily basis. It is not unusual for an office building or home to have high levels of radon gas inside where people are breathing all day or night. Sealing your windows and doors can reduce the amount of radon gas that enters any space, but still does not guarantee your home will be radon gas free.

A Paradise That Became a Ghost Town

This is what is left of Gagra, a resort city on the Black Sea coast.

With its climate close to subtropical, Gagra was a popular health resort in Imperial and Soviet Russia among Russian elite. It was a paradise with its pleasant climate, a royal palace and a number of buildings in an eclectic variety of styles from around Europe. The park that surrounded the resort was also very popular with tropical trees and even parrots and monkeys imported to give it an exotic feel.

But the war between Abkhazia (political entity within Georgia which status is disputed) and Georgia in 1992-1993 deserted the place making it all ruins and a ghost town.

The Scariest Food Creations 2010

20. KFC Double Down

540 calories
32 g fat (10 g saturated)
1380 mg sodium

KFC's Double Down is perhaps the most conspicuous sandwich of the restaurant industry's scary-food movement. It consists of bacon and cheese slathered with a dubious-sounding "Colonel's Sauce" and sandwiched beteween two salty pucks of fried chicken. It ought to be served with a shot of Pepto-Bismol on the side.

Eat This Instead!

Grilled Doublicious

380 calories
11 g fat (4 g saturated)
950 mg sodium

19. Burger King Meat Beast Whopper

910 calories
60 g fat (21 g saturated, 1.5 g trans)
1810 mg sodium

If it sounds like this thing poised to attack your waistline, that's because it is. A basic Whopper with Cheese has 720 calories. This burger earns 190 extra calories--plus 16 grams of fat and 570 milligrams of sodium--through the dastardly duo of bacon and pepperoni. Right now it's available only at the Whopper Bar in New York; let's just hope it stays that way.

Eat This Instead!

Whopper Jr. (no mayo) w/ 6-piece Chicken Fries

510 calories
26 g fat (6.5 g saturated)
1280 mg sodium

18. Hardee's Loaded Biscuits and Gravy

1000 calories
75 g fat (20 g saturated)
2350 mg sodium

Essentially what you have here are two open-faced sausage and egg biscuit breakfast sandwiches buried under a deluge of sausage-infused gravy. If you're looking to punish your heart, this is how to do it.

Eat This Instead!

Frisco Breakfast Sandwich

420 calories
18 g fat (7 g saturated)
1250 mg sodium

17. White Castle Surf & Turf Sliders with Cheese (2 sliders)

1080 calories
76 g fat (22 g saturated, 7 g trans)
1980 mg sodium

If the idea of a fishy cheeseburger doesn't gross you out, then perhaps the horrendous trans fat load will.

Eat This Instead!

Double White Castle Sliders (2 sliders)

500 calories
26 g fat (10 g saturated, 2 g trans)
680 mg sodium

16. Houlihan's Spicy Frito Burger

1171 calories
73 g fat (21 g saturated)
2429 mg sodium

Can't find the hamburger patty in this picture? That's becuase it's buried under a pile of Fritos. If you want to put chips on a burger, you better start with one leaner than this one.

Eat This Instead!

Cheddar Roast Beef Sandwich

698 calories
34 g fat (9 g saturated)
1412 mg sodium

15. Blimpie Special Vegetarian (12-inch)

1180 calories
59 g fat (18 g saturated)
3540 mg sodium

Yes, apparently chips as a topping is the emerging trend in sandwich gimmickry. This vegetarian sub is built on a bed of crumbled Dorito's potato chips. That's why it's also referred to simply as the "Dorito's sub." Unfortunatly for vegetarians, none of Blimpie's footlong meat-free subs carry fewer than 900 calories. If you're a part-time vegetarian, go for a lean deli sandwich, instead. But for stricter abstainers, just order a Turkey and Cranberry and ask them to hold the turkey. Oh--and watch your sodium intake for the rest of the day. Blimpie likes the lay it on thick.

Eat This Instead!

Turkey and Cranberry (12-inch)

700 calories
7 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
2440 mg sodium

14. Denny’s Fried Cheese Melt with wavy fries and marinara

1,260 calories
63 g fat (21 g saturated, 1 g trans)
3,010 mg sodium

Apparently, Denny’s deemed the classic grilled cheese too boring for our novelty-seeking taste buds, so they fixed it by driving four deep-fried cheese sticks into the core of the sandwich. So what you end up with are cheese sticks with extra cheese between slabs of buttered bread and a pile of fried potatoes on the side. If Denny’s was serious about improving the grilled cheese, they would have skipped the novelty and brought in big-flavor ingredients like sautéed mushrooms or sliced figs. But, of course, if they did that, they might not be able to sell this entire meal for $4. Here’s to cheap food and expensive health care!

BLT with Hash Browns

730 calories
47 g fat (10.5 g saturated)
1,270 mg sodium

13. IHOP New York Cheesecake Pancakes

1,270 calories

Further blurring the line between dessert and breakfast, IHOP has infused their fluffy flapjacks with gooey hunks of cheesecake. Next thing you know they’ll be serving breakfast with big scoops of ice cream and chocolate syrup. The best breakfast is one with protein and fresh fruit, but if you’re going to go for the carb-heavy indulgence, there’s a better way to do it. Don’t make it a habit, but IHOP’s Chocolate Chip Pancakes will save you 660 calories.

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

610 calories

12. Perkins N'awlins Benedict

1340 calories
66 g fat (24 g saturated)
4110 mg sodium

Offense #1: This meal has more calories than three Double Cheeseburgers from McDonald's. Offense #2: It mashes together a messy blend of ingredients that don't seem to belong together: cajun shrimp, smoked sausage, grilled chicken, and chipotle hollandaise sauce. Urp.

Eat This Instead!

Border Grilled Chicken Omelette

400 calories
8 g fat (2 g saturated)
1290 mg sodium

11. Cheesecake Factory Luau Salad

1390 calories
6 g saturated fat
1672 mg sodium

See those thick tiles slicing through the salad? They're crispy wontons--basically dumpling wrappers that have been flattened out and deep fried. That makes this thing more of a sloppy wonton sandwich than a salad. Eat at your own risk.

Eat This Instead!

Herb-Crusted Salmon Salad

760 calories
7 g saturated
672 mg sodium

10. Applebee's Quesadilla Burger

1420 calories
97 g fat (46 g saturated)
2910 mg sodium

The problem with this hybrid is simple: Quesadillas and hamburgers are foods of two different sizes. Quesadillas are made on big tortillas; burgers are made on small buns. That's the way it is. So to upscale a hamburger patty to fill an entire tortilla, well, you might as well plan on upscaling your gut, too.

Eat This Instead!


770 calories
46 g fat (15 g saturated)
1170 mg sodium

9. Claim Jumper Widow Maker Burger

1492 calories
29 g saturated fat
2648 mg sodium

There are plenty of egregious burgers out there in burgerland, but this is the only one to carry such a smug title: Widow Maker. Well, at least the shoe fits. Not including the beef, this burger is made with five sources of fat: bacon, onion rings, avocado, mayonnaise, and a double serving of cheese. Better hope your will is up-to-date.

Eat This Instead!

BBQ Chicken Sliders

785 calories
9 g saturated
1741 mg sodium

8. Friendly’s Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt

1,500 calories
97 g fat (38 g saturated)
2,090 mg sodium

Is this a joke? Because it should be. Where a normal hamburger has buns, this one has grilled cheese sandwiches. Yes, that’s two grilled-cheese sandwiches with one hunk of ground beef wedged between them. Other iterations of this sandwich have been dubbed “fatty melts”—for obvious reasons. They have twice as much cheese and bread as a regular cheeseburger.

Eat This Instead!

Grilled Cheese

790 calories
37 g fat (12 g saturated
1,280 mg sodium

7. Uno Chicago Grill Lobster BLT Thin Crust Pizza

1,530 calories
87 g fat (30 g saturated)
3,480 mg sodium

On its own, lobster is sweet, healthy, and loaded with lean protein. Yet, for some reason, restaurants never seem to know what to do with it. Case in point: Lobster BLT Pizza, an amalgam of foods that don’t quite fit together: One is seafood, one is diner grub, and one is an Italian-American hybrid. We're all for trying new things, but not when the cost is 75 percent of your day’s calories and a 1½ day’s worth of sodium and saturated fat.

Eat This Instead!

Lobster Wrap with side of roasted vegetables

570 calories
30.5 g fat (4 g saturated)
1,660 mg sodium

6. Applebee’s Provolone-Stuffed Meatballs with Fettuccine

1,550 calories
97 g fat (46 g saturated)
3,910 mg sodium

Yes, America has a cheese fetish, but this is just excessive. Cheese-filled meatballs? It’s like a beef-based Gusher, a sort of meaty water balloon of fat. Especially problematic is the fact that said meatballs are served on a bed of fettuccine Alfredo, which is basically flat noodles basting in oil, butter, and—yes—cheese. Cut more than a thousand calories by switching dishes. Make a swap like that a couple times a week and you’ll lose about 2½ pounds this month.

Eat This Instead!

Spicy Shrimp Diavolo

500 calories
10 g fat (3.5 g saturated)
1,910 mg sodium

5. Friendly's Caramel Cinnamon Swirl French Toast

2090 calories
57 g fat (28 g saturated)
214 g sugars

It's official: Ice cream is now on the breakfast menu. It was only a matter of time. This meal consists of a cinnamon roll split and stuffed with cream cheese and ice cream and topped off with whiped cream and hot caramel. What's worse, it's only one of several over-the-top desserts at Friendly's. Among the other offenders are the cream-cheese stuffed French toast with ice cream and the ice cream- and caramel-topped pancakes.

Eat This Instead!

Two Pancakes and Two Scrambled Eggs

770 calories
33 g fat (10 g saturated)
1910 mg sodium

4. Perkins Captain's Catch

2410 calorie
144 g fat (30 g saturated)
4940 mg sodium

There are three sea-dwelling creatures on this plate--cod, shrimp, and clams--and every one of them has been breaded and dunked in hot oil. And what has Perkins provided for side dishes? More fried food! Fried onions and french fries. We'd hate to meet the captain who brought in this catch.

Eat This Instead!

Island Tilapia Dinner

450 calories
6 g fat (1.5 g saturated)
1060 mg sodium

3. Burger King New York Pizza Burger

2530 calories
144 g fat (59 g saturated, 3.5 g trans)
3780 mg sodium

This is the newest creation from the Whoper Bar in New York City, and presumably it was created to tap into the latest wave of great-because-they're-disgusting food items. Eat just two slices and you've taken in an entire day's worth of saturated fat.

Eat This Instead!

Double Cheeseburger

460 calories
27 g fat (13 g saturated, 1 g trans)
990 mg sodium

2. Claim Jumper Chocolate Motherlode Cake

2760 calories
55 g saturated
340 g carbohydrates

Cake is what we buy for friends on their birthdays. This cake? This one we buy only for enemies. Its six layers of chocolate carry as many calories as a dozen Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars.

Eat This Instead!

Warm English Toffee Cake

383 calories
9 g saturated fat
54 g carbohydrates

1. Uno Chicago Grill Mega Sized Deep Dish Sundae

2800 calories
136 g fat (72 g saturated)
272 g sugars

Mega? That's an understatement. With three-and-a-half day's worth of saturated fat and more sugar than you'd find in 14 Twinkies, a better name would be The Belt-Breaker. Unless you're about to walk the green mile, don't even think about it.

Eat This Instead!

Mini Hot Chocolate Brownie Sundae

370 calories
16 g fat (8 g saturated)
38 g sugars