Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'M ON STRESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What to do?
What to do?
I can't go on with my previous study design...
At the same time I'm afraid my supervisor wont allow me to change into analytical study...

Doctor, please help me... I don't want to do this retrospective study... it makes me getting exhausted & depressed to go find the data on previous previous year...
Plus, I forgot how to use the SPSS oredi...
Omo2... cincah!
This final year project gonna kill me!!!
Most stressed than have to sit for exams... huhu

p/s: Teda mood mau raya ni tahun...
Belum balik kampung pun, raya tgl 3-4 hari lg... huhu

Friday, August 12, 2011

12 August - Medical Screening...

Today I was going to Kinik Kesihatan Luyang with my housemates for medical screening for MTB...
This is because one of our housemate got positive TB, possibly she got infected from her old housemate...
We have to be X-rayed only to detect the presence of white wool-like matter at our chest...

I was soooooooooooooo ashamed because this is the 1st time I've experienced the X-ray procedure.
We are instructed to take off our clothes including bra and head shawl... And wear the green dress provided there  for x-ray... OMO3...
Nampak auratku... Sudala baju 2 besar pastu koyak lg sblh tgn kanan dia...
I'M LOOK SEXY!!! wuwuwuw... 
My right arm has no cover... The neck collar was big for me... Then the X-ray technician said, "U salah masuk 2 tgn 2"
Aigoo... Sudahlah juru x-ray dia lelaki, lagi la sy malu...
Pintu bilik persalinan terkunci dia tlg buka, ngam2 masa 2 bra sy berampai2 plg atas lagi 2 di atas baju...
Tmbh sy malu!!!
I'm so ashamed! He saw my bra!!! I wanna cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then he instructed me 2 stand in front of the x-ray board with my head up to right angle to adjust the area around my chest to be x-ray...
He pull my hand and order me to soften my hand and put both of my hands on my back...
I was soooo nervous because in my mind I thought when I was gonna be x-ray, something like weird light or shock will come up...
but, I was wrong... There's nothing appear, just when he said it's done, the x-ray machine board shows something line up horizontally inside it...
Then I went back to the fitting room to change my clothes immediately...
I hope this is the the 1st & the last I was x-rayed  by guy/man...

After seeing the doctor, she interprets the x-ray film there's no sign, and said I'm ok but I have to come  back again after 3 months - means in this middle of November for medical screening again to check the sign of tuberculous...
Since both of my parents have NO HISTORY of tuberculosis, I hope I was fine... I'm a strong girl! yeah...


P/S: When I was 13, my science teacher said once u gat x-ray, u lost 1 period of your life...
True or not, I'm not sure... I dunno how strong this statement...