Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sem 6...

Penat! Penat! penat!
I'm tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!girlemo
Start 26th June till 6 July I was attending Health Promotion (HP) programme at Kg Tagaroh Kota Marudu Sabah...
I was enjoying the programme...

Furthermore, I wanna go back there again...
If we'd given a chance to do such program there with the same group members, I would love to!

But, since we were going back to campus life, then I was tortured!
Why am I saying like this coz our leader gives pressure on me doing report twice!
I already done my report about my talk on alcoholism & talk on smoking conducted by one of our group member...
Then, after that he give me a task to do report on discussion... That's mean I have to analyse all the statistical result and interpret the result and making a short conclusion about the problems confronted during our observation through RRA during HP... Hey! MLT shouldn't do interpretation, only MD and nurses allowed actually... OMO, OMO, OMO... What to do... They all already done so much things, I feel a bit pity for them...

Actually, he gave the task for us (MLT & nurses), hopes that we'll cooperate together to do the report on the "discussion"  section...
Coz we're gonna submit the report to the module coordinator by 15th July right before our seminar presentation on HP...
But, what is actually happens here, my mate(MLT) never give a hand to do the report... She just babbling and get angry...
 catgirlemoticonOMG! What's wrong with her... Then I just ignore her...
Don't want any trouble comes again, then, I do it all by myself...

I was faced many probs getting the result from the MD students... How am I gonna say aa? Hard to say...
I  only have our leader's phone number...
Then when I ask him to e-mail me the result, he could submit it the night before the due date of my report submission to him... OMO, OMO , OMO... I couldn't help myself...

Just endure with it laa...
well actually I almost cry...whitebunnyemoticon

The next morning I started doing analyse the data given and make interpretation by my logical thinking...(kununn...)
I hope so...
I'm trying to elaborate more contents to make our report looks interesting to be read whether by the accessors or module coordinator... Our leader said earlier just 'kelentong' and put some interest...
Ok, fine! I just do it, and try to satisfy his desire... OMO, OMO, OMO...
He keeps tense me to submit the report A.S.A.P!
Huargggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm stressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a few help from a few members of my group, the give me a lil bit idea also...
especially about visual acuity...
Thanks to Tim(MD) and also the nurses coz give me support to accomplish the report...
Love u guys...
Then finally................................
after editing some words and sentences...
I'm done at the evening around 6pm, then I submit it via email!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, darling, are u satisfied???